
raytracer (C++ / Lua / ImGUI)

raytracer is a (work in progress) raytracer implementation being written in C++. The ray tracing engine supports custom scenes the end user can create via Lua scripts, hot-swappable support for multiple light transport algorithms, and multiple debugging utilities via an IMGUI interface.

Tetromino (Unity / C#)

Tetromino is a game I created for my CPI 211 (Intro to Game Development with Unity) at Arizona State Universiy. It's a spatial / logic puzzle game in which the player must manipulate the environment and use various mechanics to reach the exit.

Toycaster (Nim / OpenGL)

Toycaster is an OpenGL accelerated ray casting engine. The parallelzation provided by the GPU allows for very high framerates even on modest hardware and high resolutions.

glsl_sandbox (C++ / Lua / IMGui)

glsl_sandbox is a small interactive and scriptable (Lua) C++ application designed to demonstrate the use of linear algebra in computer graphics for controlling the position and view of objects in a given scene.


Languages:C, C++, D, Python, Java, Lua, HTML5 / JS, Lua, Nim
APIs:OpenGL, WebGL, Jenkins, Docker
Software:Blender, Unity, Arch Linux / Debian, Vim, Git, IDEA, Maven
